Four Moons Blood John Hagee Download Torrent Movie

  1. John Hagee Blood Moon Dates

Jan 30, 2018 - The blood moon prophecy were a series of apocalyptic beliefs. John Hagee and Mark Biltz, which state that a tetrad (a series of four. Watch Online Movie For Tablet Lo Specchio Di Diana Yxi (1996) From Turbobit. The Arcane Brotherhood of Dark Angels and the Illuminati Details Download Listen. (11) New movie, No Country for Old Men dispenses a bit of wisdom. 'Jesus is not Israel's Messiah'—A Profile of John Hagee, Zionist Apostle of Satan. John Hagee and the bigoted Jewish rabbis who are clamoring for more blood.

While space enthusiasts prepare to watch a rare supermoon eclipse Sunday night, some are preparing for the end of the world.

Christian minister John Hagee is leading the way in claiming that the final “tetrad” in a series of lunar eclipses is a sign from God that will bring about doomsday. “The coming four blood moons points to a world-shaking event that will happen between April 2014 and October 2015,” Hagee said in his 2013 book, “Four Blood Moons.”

Pastor John Hagee. (Getty)

The first three blood moons in the series referenced by Hagee took place on April 15, 2014, October 8, 2014, and April 4, 2015.

Hagee says the final eclipse fulfills a biblical prophecy. According to his book, he is referencing two specific passages from the bible.

First, Joel 2:30-31, “And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth: Blood and fire and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord.”

And second, Revelation 6:12, “I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became like blood.”

Scientists say that the connection between the blood moons and the end of times is unfortunate. Geoff Gaherty writes for about the prophecy:

When the mechanisms behind eclipses were less well understood, they were thought to be omens of bad tidings, just as comets were. Now people know that these are just normal events in the clockwork of the solar system, things which have occurred regularly for thousands of years and which will occur for thousands of years into the future.

Associations between “disastrous” events and normal astronomical events are all fabrications of the human mind, as people attempt to find explanations for why disasters affect them.

The four blood moons and rare supermoon eclipse have caused others to worry. The Mormon church had to send out a message to its followers, reassuring them that the blood moon does not mean the end of the world.

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Preview — Four Blood Moons by John Hagee

'...There will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars...Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.' Luke 21:25a, 28 It is rare that Scripture, science, and history align with each other, yet the last three series of Four Blood Moons have done exactly that. Are these the 'signs' that God refers to
Published October 8th 2013 by Worthy Books (first published January 1st 2013)
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Inaccurate and filled with propaganda. It is another instance where the facts have been selectively chosen to…more
Inaccurate and filled with propaganda. It is another instance where the facts have been selectively chosen to deceive the reader and movie viewing at large. Read the review above and get the real facts before wasting your money on this book or to see a film where a few old men do nothing but ... talk and talk and talk and talk to solicit your sympathy for a regime that committing murder and genocide against the Palestinian people.
The have the audacity to say that if you do not support Israel, you will be cursed! I am part Jewish, was married to an Israeli, loved my time there and the people I met ... but that does not mean I will support distortions and murderers. It is always the leaders who are the criminals, using the military to do horrible things in the name of God..
If any of you remember the 70s and the 'Late Great Planet Eartth', this is another era where a bunch of Christians are doing their Dooms Days fear tactics ... exactly the same way, to make money! Good Christians with common sense will not buy into this falsehood and distortion.(less)
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I have made the statement before that I don't read enough nonfiction, and when I do, it is rarely prophecy books. This one sounded very intriguing, so when I got the chance to review it, I decided to go for it.
I've never read anything by John Hagee before, but its obvious that he knows his 'stuff.' This is a fascinating book, and thought he did a great job of laying out the information he had, I can't put it into my own words to explain it, so you'll have to read the book to understand it for y
This is the age of non-denominational Christianity - a time where many Christians are shedding the labels they have been carrying. Labels like 'Catholic', 'Anglican', 'Presbyterian', etc. Instead, we see the uniting factors, such as the fact that we believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that God raised Him from the dead. If we don't have that belief, we're not, in fact, Christians. As the time of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ draws closer, many Christians, with the anointing of the...more
Hagee believes that the series of lunar eclipses on Jewish holidays during the 2014-2015 Jewish year indicates that something big is going to happen to Israel (and the world). There are all kinds of difficulties with this book. The Jewish year is lunar so the eclipses on Jewish feast dates are not unusual. Historically, there have been many of these four lunar eclipses on feast days within a Jewish year and only three have corresponded to major events for the Jews. There is a huge mis-statement...more
Nov 14, 2013JoJo Sutis rated it it was amazing
Something is about to change…
And unless you’ve had your head in the sand, you probably know already that many of the signs of the end times are taking place all around us. You need only turn on the news for about a minute to see that the floods, famine, and general unrest in the world is happening daily. The earth is literally crying out for the return of The Lord.
There are tons of books out there on this ever popular, hot topic.
But how do we separate the truth from the mumbo-jumbo?
In John Hagee
Feb 07, 2017Pamela rated it really liked it
Shelves: nonfiction, christian-non-fiction, history, hermeneutics, prophetic-study
Invaluable and eye-opening, Haggee's straightforward and simply stated study of Jewish history, ancient and recent histories, Biblical prophecy, astronomy, in relation to His natural world signs, is a book everyone should consider reading with thoughts of extended research - which I'm currently doing.
Signs in the heavens, God's natural billboards of sorts, have been speaking to us since man's creation. Moreover, God always gives a warning before he takes drastic actions. Oftentimes - multiple w
One of my favorite preachers and writers tackles end time prophecy from a totally new viewpoint. Looking at astronomy, specifically full moons, John Hagee hits a home run and opens up a world of new thought and questions regarding the last days.
Without being a spoiler, I'll just say that there have been three times in history that the Four Blood Moons have appeared in the sky. Each incident is connected with one of the Hebrew Festivals, a total solar eclipse, and specific years important to the
Jan 01, 2014Jaime Contreras rated it really liked it
Contrary to what some non-Christians have commented, this book is NOT about the end of the world. Pastor John Hagee has penned a well-researched and solidly-constructed book about the 'Four Blood Moons.'
In his his venture into the astronomical prophetic signs, God's judgements, prophecy, natural signs of impending change, coming conflicts and the Second Coming. The author specifically focuses on the 'Four Blood Moons (FBMs). He points out that have always were accompanied significant events for
Jan 01, 2014Robin rated it did not like it
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here.
Mar 27, 2014Alex Shrugged rated it it was ok
'Four Blood Moons' is one of those Christian prophesy books that you see come out every once in a while ('once in a while' being defined as every 30 seconds). It wasn't too bad. It was thoroughly Christian so for myself it held little meaning, but I'm glad I read it just so I know what people are talking about when they talk about the 'Four Blood Moons' controversy.
It goes like this: a 'Hunter's Moon' or 'Blood Moon' occurs frequently enough that we note it but don't pay it heed. Pastor Hagee no
Oct 09, 2013Gail Welborn rated it it was amazing
***If you never read another book, this one is not one to miss...something is about to change***
Pastor John Hagee writes, “something is about to change,” the subtitle of his new book, Four Blood Moons that releases Tuesday, October 8th. He explores the supernatural connection between the sun, moon and stars, several Jewish Feasts and NASA’s discovery of four blood moons known as “Tetrads.” He writes about their appearances, April 15 & Oct 8, 2014 and April 4 & Sept 28, 2015: Four Blood
Really good yet just a bit alarming.....
Jan 03, 2014Michael WhiteJohn hagee divorce rated it really liked it
Recommends it for: Those interested in Bible prophecy and Jesus' second coming.
Recommended to Michael by: John Hagee Ministries
This book provides perspectives from both historical and future prophetic fulfillment concerning the nation of Israel and the second coming of Jesus Christ. While Pastor John Hagee is careful not to set a date for Jesus' rapture of the church or His return to set up His Kingdom on earth, Pastor Hagee is nonetheless very informative in his treatment of the very rare occurrences of blood moon tetrads -- which is a series of four blood moons (or total lunar eclipses) in two consecutive years, two p...more
Sep 30, 2013Teresa Mathews rated it it was amazing
Pastor John Hagee has once again written a very thought provoking book that delves into Bible Prophesy that most people, non-Christian or Christian, have never heard about. From the very first page I found myself being drawn into it because not only is it an interesting subject for me as a Christian; I found Pastor Hagee's writing was very easy to understand. This is an in-depth study of a subject even life-long Christians find to be daunting yet I never once found myself having to stop and re-r...more
Oct 15, 2013Brent Soderstrum rated it really liked it
I won this book through GoodReads first read program.
I have always enjoyed books that look at what the Bible says will happen in the end of times and compares it to what is happening in the world today. Authors such as Joel Rosenberg and books like the Harbinger are similar. In the first 2/3 of the book Hagee covers what the Bible says about Israel and what will happen in the Middle East before Jesus comes back for the second time. He uses passages from Ezekiel, Joel, Mathew and Revelation. The
When I read an article about the Four Blood Moons I frankly didn't give it much consideration. I do believe the heavens declare the glory of the Lord (Ps. 19:1) but that's about as much credence as I gave to it. Then following the First Blood Moon (April 15) came the attacks of Hamas on Israel and shortly after the brutal attacks of ISIS on Iraqis Christians, I became more interested and decided to read John Hagee's book.
It's an interesting read. The Four Blood Moons are an unusual phenomena bu
Sep 23, 2015Edwina Callan rated it really liked it
This is a non-fiction book that traces blood moons from the last 500 years starting in 1492.
When these moons occurred at the time of Jewish feasts significant changes have happened in
Jewish history.
Pastor Hagee believes that 'Something is about to change' for Israel and the world with this latest Tetrad occurring in a Shemitah year.
I guess we will wait and see what happens ...
I did enjoy learning more about the Jewish people and their history.
Sad to say that I learned a couple of things that
Sep 15, 2013Sara rated it liked it
A good recap of the history of Israel and the Jewish people most of which I knew already. I was hoping for a bit more new information, but still worth reading.
I'm a sucker for Biblical prophecy and books on that topic and just recently read Four Blood Moons by John Hagee. I heard about it when Glenn Beck interviewed the fellow on his radio show. My expectations were high but I was very disappointed.
The book is a rambling 258-page rant pushing the pre-trib rapture heresy. The purported subjects of the chapters are misleading. The title of the first section of the book is 'Signs in the heavens.' A reasonable person would suppose since the topic of the b
Nov 13, 2013Kathleen (Kat) Smith rated it Four Moons Blood John Hagee Download Torrent Movieit was amazing
Shelves: christian-self-help, reference, religion, christian-living, bible-study, non-fiction, historical-non-fiction
'There will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars...Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a could with power and great glory. Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your hears, because your redemption draws near.' ~ Luke 21:25, 27-28
There are many such references found in the scripture about the signs appearing in the sky. This is not to be confused with astrology which is the worship of stars, which is occultic and pagan. People who make choices based on t
May 16, 2014Laurynne Gouws rated it it was amazing
Believe it or not, this was one of the very first non-fictional books I've read (or at least the first that I can even remember reading) and I have to say that because of this book, I'm pumped to read more non-fiction in the near future.
What I loved most about this book was that it not only cleared up a lot about the theories surrounding 'The Four Blood Moons'... but furthermore included references to biblical extracts to help lay it all out even better for me.
I'm new to the whole biblical read
I read this book today because my Dad is interested in the end times and I grew up with a healthy fear of barcodes on my right hand. I was not surprised by the content of the book which was contradictory and made wild leaps in logic. The author was quick to try to dispell any potential problems people would have with his book. He stated he was using the science of astronomy to predict the future and not astrology but by his own definition of astrology, that is what he is using. He rants for 180...more
Jun 30, 2015Denise Ballentine rated it did not like it
Shelves: nonfiction, christian-nonfiction, library
I read this because of all the hype I have been hearing surrounding this Blood Moon Theory. I was not impressed. This book is mostly about end-times biblical prophecy and the history of the Jewish people. The stuff about the blood moons is left to the end of the book. Let me say at the start that I am a Christian who agrees with much of what is presented here. And much of it I already knew. I just don't buy the Blood Moon theory. At all. Pastor Hagee sums up the coming appearance of the current...more
Sep 12, 2014Brian King rated it did not like it
I read this as a favor for a friend who admitted to not knowing much about the scriptures. So sad that Hagee makes so much money from people through his fear-mongering tactics. If you have read this book or are thinking about it consider this: Hagee does not speak for Christianity. In fact, he speaks for himself and writes books to make money. He is always talking about the future as though it is in the Bible, but people, it really is nothing like what he says. I encourage you to get a hold of (...more
Oct 09, 2014Theresa Barkasy rated it did not like it
This is shameless self-promoting at its finest. If I wanted to see a rant backed by minimal scripture, then I would have sought out an online forum.
Additionally, if you are a member of the younger generation, I recommend that you spend your money on someone else who does not debase your entire age group. Citing all of this generation (including those who unwittingly purchased his book in hopes of learning more about end times prophecy) as depraved and immoral. He alienates all young Americans, a
I would have given this negative stars if I could have! Total waste of time.
A member of my church ask me about the blood moons because she listens to Hagee and so I thought I would see what I could learn about them from his book.
This was written with one purpose in mind and that is to raise money and push his personal agenda. I found most this had nothing to do with prophecy or the role of blood moons but an attempt to create fear. While some of the match ups were in fact interesting I felt it
Feb 11, 2014Cordellya Smith rated it it was amazing
I love this book. It is really well written. The most amazing thing is how engrossing it is once you start reading. The pages seem to turn themselves. I have learned more about Revelations than I would have believed possible from such a small book. Another thing that is wonderful about this book is that John Hagee actually cites the sources for all the information he uses so that anyone reading it can look the information up if he or she elects to do so.
After reading this book, I am convinced t
This book was very eye-opening for me. This very interesting topic has caught my attention since the latest 'blood' moon occurred. I love how Hagee uses the Bible to support all the subjects mentioned in the book. A truly wonderful read.
My dad read this book and loved it!!! He says its very informative and looks forward to seeing the blood moons!!! In addition he puts that all believers should read this to get a better understanding of the coming apocalypse!!
Some theological points given throughout the book were sound, but the very basis and foundation of the book was scriptural out-of-context. None know the day or the hour.
Sep 25, 2014David Steele rated it did not like it
Don't waste your time on this Hal Lindsey style book on eschatology.
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Pastor John Hagee and his wife Diana reach out and spread Christ's message throughout the Northern Hemisphere. They reside in San Antonio, Texas with their five adult children, their spouses and grandchildren.
Paster John Hagee is a scholar, musician, athlete, evangelist, and above all, a pastor with a pastor's heart. A fourth-generation preacher in the tradition of his father and grandfathers befo
“The battle against good and evil is raging now! Look at your television programming and movie advertisements presenting the occult…the demonic…the satanic…the practice of witchcraft and sorcery in popular books…the open hostility toward Christianity and the revival of anti-Semitism. The fight is on for the hearts and minds of our children in ours homes, our schools, our universities, and our society.” — 3 likes
“The next time the Four Blood Moons begin to appear will be in April of 2014. NASA has projected that the Tetrad will begin on April 2014 and end in September 2015.1 It will occur in the following sequence: 1. Passover, April 15, 2014 2. Feast of Tabernacles, October 8, 2014 3. Passover, April 4, 2015 4. Feast of Tabernacles, September 28, 2015” — 3 likes

John Hagee Blood Moon Dates

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