Hirens Boot Disc Iso Download

I was looking for the latest HBCD and then I found this one: 'Hiren's Boot CD 16.2' which seems to be the latest, however on their own website, they only have vs. 'Hiren's Boot CD 15.2' not 16.2 which made me suspicious.

Here a few of the links I came across that mention Hiren Boot CD 16.2:


Hiren Boot CD USB 15.2 ISO Download For Windows Hiren Boot CD ISO Crack is an exceptionally celebrated programming that can be utilized for the high upkeep of the PC frameworks of the general population. Jump to Step 2 - Download the Hiren's Boot CD ISO file - Download the ZIP file for HBCD v15.2 or the. The iso file to Hiren'sBootCD.iso.

Does anyone know if this is fake, a virus, a trojan attempt by the KGB or something?

I don't see any question like this, only questions about the workings of hbcd 15.2 here, so there.

Hiren s boot disk iso download

Hiren Boot Cd Iso Download Full


Hiren's Boot Cd Iso File

1 Answer

Hirens Boot Disc Iso Download Windows 10

This is the original website. I have had this same Hirens Boot CD/DVD v15.2 for over 5 years and the following link was acquired directly off of this DVD. These types of tools are always 'Use at Your Own Risk'.

To answer your question; I would stick to the original website provided above as the best source, and not trust any other ports or revisions from anywhere else.


protected by JakeGouldNov 2 '17 at 19:42

Hirens Boot Usb Drive Iso

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