Download No$ZOOMER and change No$GBA screen size. NoGBA x2 zoom screen and play Nintendo DS emulator Full screen. Download No$GBA here. Saya sudah download gamenya dan emulatornya tapi keduanya berbentuk rar, cara ubahnya bagaimana ya? Saya juga punya game yang sama tapi sudah dalam bentuk.nds dengan emulator yang lain tapi malah rom image crash? Here you can download file No$gba 2.6a+No$Zoomer 2shared gives you an excellent opportunity to store your files here and share them with others.
- Apr 2, 2009 - aaarrrggghhhh! I cant download the no$zoomer v2.3.0.2 because they say im from a forbiden country does any of you have a link where i can.
- 2010-11-08 You can choose one of the links to download NO$Zoomer v2.3.0.2. If there is any further question, you can post here or here.Thank you!
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What is NO$Zoomer?
NO $ Zoomer is a utility that piggybacks on NO $ GBA, GBA, and NDS emulators. It adds features that are not supported by NO $ GBA. Thus, in the display settings, the user can enlarge the screen and even full screen. The user can also rotate the screen to simulate the vertical orientation of the Nintendo DS. NO $ Zoom also accepts graphics filters Megadrive, and emulator Kega Fusion. This program has added libraries so it can decompress .zip and .rar files. Settings have also been changed – Now, the icon is displayed on the title bar. The user can change the windows cursor to a stylus when it is on the touch screen – He can just type a full path to Stylus.cur in NO $ Zoomer.ini. Kega fusion plugins have also been added, since the initial filters don’t look good.
Pronounced as No Cash GBA, it is a Nintendo DS/DS Lite and GameBoy Advance emulator for Windows XP, Windows Vista, and MS-DOS. NO $ GBA options include emulating all known save types, as well as multiple cartridges reading.
File types supported by NO$Zoomer
Our users primarily use NO$Zoomer to open these file types: